Note to my 14 year old self …

  1. Don’t worry you will eventually get boobs . 
  2. Playboy handbags are overrated , exspensive and un-cool . You do not need one .
  3. Your not actually in love . Don’t worry you will get over heartbreak . 
  4. Start trying to get a six pack now , it’s going to take you a while.  
  5. You are. Not going to be good at everything , and that’s okay . 
  6. Your life is not over if you start to get spots . 
  7. Be yourself . 
  8. It’s okay yo start your period . Your not dying . 
  9. Zack from Saved By The Bell will always be a heart throb , but he will never marry you . 
  10. Tammy girl will eventually shut down , so buy as many pairs of camo pants as you want . 
  11. Don’t get upset over things that don’t matter . 
  12. Being a adult is stressful , so enjoy being young . 
  13. Stop trying to fit in all the time.
  15. Buy your own make up , your mums is 3 stages darker than you . 
  16. GCSE don’t mean shit . Don’t stress about your results or cry. 
  17. You are not “FRIDGED” . 90% of boys that have told you that have never even touched a pair of boobs . 
  18. Your friends will always change , and that’s okay . 
  19. Stop being jealous of other girls .
  20. Be loud about what you being in